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Tropical Leaves


Morning Worship


Sunday Worship begins at 10:15 am.

Child care is offered for children from infancy to 1st Grade during the worship service.



Come dressed in whatever makes you most comfortable - when you walk into Fairview Fellowship you will find a wide range of style and preference.



We desire to preach the word of God to the people of God. The way we do that is by choosing a book of the Bible and preaching through it "thought-by-thought", from beginning to end.



Our music style is a mixture of modern day songs, mixed with the old hymns, and we love to sing the Psalms. 



We love the children of Fairview Fellowship and we desire to have them in worship with us. We do provide child care for newborns to 1st grade and have a cry room upstairs if needed. We encourage our 2nd to high school students to sing, listen, profess, and pray with their church family. 


Worship Style

You will find that we have a style of worship that tells a story and invites you to participate in that story! In our service we will pray, profess an ancient church creed, sing, worship through offerings, hear a sermon, and participate in the Lord's Supper every second Sunday of the month. Our worship service lasts about an hour but feel free to come early, grab some coffee, and meet new friends or stay afterward and see old friends!



Every church believes something, so if you are curious what our beliefs are about God, life, Jesus, the Bible, worship, and a lot of other subjects those can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. HERE is a link if you are curious to find out more. Our church is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America - As a note, "Presbyterian" just means, "led by elders that the congregation elects".


What if I am skeptical of Christianity and Fairview Fellowship?

If you are someone that has been a Christian your entire life and are looking for a new church, if you are one who is seeking truth and this is the next step in your journey, if you are curious about Christianity and have questions, or if you carry past religious trauma, Fairview Fellowship is the right place for you. Bring your questions, your hurts, your doubts, struggles... whatever obstacle you may think is stopping you from coming and hearing about the good news of Jesus who freely gives His love to all peoples, take a step, and come join us!


If you have more questions or would like to receive prayer please feel free to call or email our pastor, he would love to talk with you!

Church Phone: (828) 329-3514



Short range radio broadcasts on 94.7 FM.

 Feel free to wear a mask, but they are not mandatory.

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." 

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(828) 329-3514

596 Old US HWY 74

Fairview, NC 28730

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